Preparation Guide for Baby Shoot

Please leave interaction with your baby to me
During your session it's important to get your baby to interact with me and the camera. This is purely to get gorgeous images of connection with your baby. I do this by interacting solely with your baby (provided baby isn't upset). I do ask that during the session that you allow and trust in me to build a rapport with your bubs so I can produce images you will love. If your bubs is upset or I'm unable to interact and I require your assistance I will ask for you to come sit down right next to me to help me get a cute smile if I wasn't able to get one myself. I offer this as advice to avoid disappointment. However all children are different and will have different needs throughout the session.
What to Bring
You dont need to worry if you dont have any outfits for your baby as I have heaps of stuff and also I do many photos where bubs doesn't need clothes. I have heaps of Headbands, Hats props etc
Avoid logos such as Thomas the Tank or Dora. Jeans with tops work great as well as pretty sundresses for girls. Bring several outfits along to your shoot then we can assist you in making the final choice on what would best suit the look and feel you are going for in your child's portraits.
Make sure you bring some more casual outfits but also bring some more dresser outfits like dresses or shirts for boys. If you’re unsure of an outfit just bring it anyway the more option the better. If there is more than one subject, consider whether the clothes will mix together, or clash. But don’t worry too much about what they’re wearing – put most of your effort instead into making sure they’re relaxed and in a good mood. Remember, a winning shot of your child is one with their eyes lit up, and their unique character revealed and captured.
Please bring along at least 1-3 outfit options.

If children are being photographed together, clothes that are similar in style give a more coordinated look. Bare feet are especially fun, and kids love it too.
Headbands and Hair Clips look adorable also so make sure that you have matching ones for your child’s outfit if that is something you are after, but don’t stress as I have heaps of headbands and accessories
Important Things to Remember
When booking your photo session choose a time of day that best suits your child’s mood and carefully consider their sleeping and eating patterns. We do recommend that you pack a suitable bag containing your child’s favourite snacks, treats and refreshments along with bibs to protect your child’s clothing in between shots. Please also bring along tissues and baby wipes.
Please ensure child’s hair is neatly groomed, set, or styled according to the desired result you have in mind.
Please ensure your child’s face is clean and free from food, sleep (in eyes) and boogers! You would be surprised how often they feature in photographs! They are also hard to remove in post processing
If your child still dribbles avoid dressing them in patterned fabrics and keep a bib on them up until we are ready to shoot.
We also recommend you reassure your child about the photo session and let them know that it is about having loads of fun and laughter and not to fear the camera or the photographer
During the photo session it is common that your child may be shy at first. We ask that you do not ask/force your child to perform for the camera. We will make sure that they warm to us in their own time and once they relax we will be there to capture their beautiful little personalities and those special moments.
Leave the rest to me!
Thanks xx